Edges Education is the culmination and integration of 30 years of work for Beth Wheeler, beginning when she studied at Colgate University. Her double major in college–Religious and Women’s studies, specifically studying liberation theology–has led her to multiple experiences and jobs that connect to the common theme of liberation.
Following her work in a non-profit social justice organization called WATER, Beth became a massage therapist specializing in trauma, pregnancy and birth, supporting people to connect to and understand their bodies. After 10 years in practice and seeing the connections among the body, mind and spirit, Beth went back to school to get a Masters in Social Work. She worked a number of years at The Lambda Center (inpatient and outpatient hospital for LGBTQ dually diagnosed adults) through Whitman Walker Health.
For more than 5 years, Beth co- led intensive 9-day personal and professional leadership retreats for women called Women’s Way. After she left Whitman-Walker Health, Beth opened her own integrative psychotherapy practice for over 10 years. After recovering from a serious case of lyme disease, Beth changed her work life. She currently serves as the Director of Edges Education and is a Board Member to two non-profit organizations, Rainbow Families and FIST DC.
Beth identifies as a white, cis-gender, middle class, able-bodied, christian-born, lesbian woman. When she is not working, Beth loves time with friends, kayaking, being outside, reading and political activism. A divorced mother of two domestically adopted black boys, she co-parents with her ex-wife, also a white, cis-gender, able-bodied, jewish lesbian woman.